Social and SDGs Contribution Activities

Basic Concept

Promotion of social contribution activities from an SDGs perspective

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group contributes to solving social issues not only through its business activities but also through a variety of social contribution activities which we promote through interactions with society leveraging the strengths and resources of the Group. SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group defines and promotes activities to contribute to the SDGs as the subset of the Group’s social contribution activities that lead to the formation of a sustainable society as targeted by the SDGs, positioning the environment, the next generation and local communities as the three main fields of activities.

  • 15-22

Actions that expand the ability to contribute to solving social issues

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group believes that awareness of the SDGs is essential for contributing to solving social issues. By conducting social contribution activities from the viewpoint of the SDGs, the Group as a whole is looking to improve its ability to contribute to solving social issues. We will use the SDGs as a guidepost on what we can do to solve social issues as a member of society, and link this to our actions starting with those nearest to us.

  • 08-15

Undertaking activities to contribute to the SDGs Group-wide

Coordinating with the people in charge in each domestic and overseas Group company and ESG management promotion departments as part of its promotion system, the Group spreads awareness of the SDGs while undertaking autonomous activities to contribute to the SDGs by individual workplaces and employees.
The Group fosters a corporate climate that contributes to the SDGs while following the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle of activities and develops personnel who will promote these initiatives.

  • 10-05

Revitalizing Activities through the SDG Challenge

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group is steadily working to increase understanding of the SDGs and interest in social issues by actively raising awareness that mainly involves disseminating information on each Group company’s SDG contribution activities and sharing SDGs-related information with those in charge.
In fiscal 2022, we prepared reference materials (activity guide) and held workshops to refine our efforts.
In addition, we are working to revitalize activities by supporting “SDGs Challenge”, which are efforts to improve activities implemented at our business sites and encouraging people to take on the challenge of new activity programs.

Fiscal 2022 Activities (Results)
As part of our SDGs contribution activities, we implemented 122 initiatives at Group workplaces in Japan, of which 41 were new SDGs Challenge activities. In analyzing these initiatives, the Group’s contribution activities were distinguished by their affinity with the SDGs, including SDG17 (Partnerships for the Goals), SDG12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG4 (Quality Education), SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG15 (Life on Land).
Looking ahead, we will continue to contribute to solving social issues through social contribution activities based on the SDGs.

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